Rosy Heywood Rosy Heywood

From the Studio

Introducing RO Studio!

I’ve called this blog ‘From the Studio’ and my brand is called RO ‘Studio’ however in fact, I work from a small desk in a small flat in a small area in Bristol. I do have big ambitions for RO Studio though. Which include developing my print designs into textiles so I thought including ‘Studio’ in the business name would be appropriate for the work I will be creating.

I have created many works in the past across a range of disciplines but it’s only recently that I’ve really solidified my love for collage, layering and texturing. In the past year I have also realised my love for ornithology! And in particular, owls. From my desk I can see out into my garden and watch the birds pecking at the bird feeder, flying from one place to another and nesting in the bushes. On a recent holiday I spotted my first wild owl. It was a tawny owl and I learnt that tawny owls are the only owls that ‘twit twoo’. The females ‘twit’ and the males ‘twoo’ - it’s how they communicate to one another. This compounded my interest in birds and wildlife in general and inspired me to include more elements and motifs of the natural world in my designs.

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